Medical Services at Simpson
In addition to having Nurse Nikki, SES will now have Ginger Hodges APRN, NP seeing students on Monday afternoons from 12:30-4:00. No appointment is necessary for Simpson County Students. She is also available at Franklin-Simpson Middle School Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:00-12:00
Upcoming Field Trips
5/8 All Stars going to Chaney’s Dairy Barn and Old Friends at KY Downs.
KPREP Testing
KPREP testing will take place May 2nd-7th. As you know, this is a very important test for our 3rd grade students. Encourage our child to try their very best on this test. They will need a restful night of sleep and encourage them to eat breakfast in the mornings. Breakfast is FREE at the school, as it has been all year. Thank you in advance for encouraging your child to “Do Their Very BEST!!”
Standford 10
Our 1st and 2nd graders will take the Standford 10 assessment May 9th-14th. This assessment helps us understand how our students are performing compared to students across the United States. We encourage them to do their absolute best.
Field Day
Field day for all grades will be held on Friday, May 17th.
No School/Election Day in May 21st
Awards Day
The final awards program will be held on Wednesday, May 22nd. If your child is receiving an award, you will be contacted by the school. Please don’t share the news with your child as we would like to make it a surprise! 1st and 2nd Grade will take place at 1:30 p.m. in the gym. 3rd Grade will take place at 9 a.m.
Boys & Girls Club Closing
Boys & Girls club will be closed on May 20th and May 22nd. Please make sure you send a note for alternate transportation.