Online registration for the 2021-2022 school year is now open! Please use this link to be directed to the School Registration Page.
If you have misplaced/forgot your username or password for Parent Portal please use the "Forgot" links that can be found on the Parent Portal site. If that doesn't allow you to access Parent Portal please contact your child's school.

District-wide registration will be held Monday, August 9, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm, and Tuesday, August 10, 8:00 - 3:00 pm at each individual school.
To speed up the registration experience on August 9th and 10th you can:
- Complete the online registration and educational benefits form via the Parent Portal Meal Benefits Section. (New to SCS students will complete a paper educational benefits form)
- Print and complete the district-wide nurse form found at this link and turn in one set per student.
- School fees this year will be $25 per student for all grades. Please make checks payable to Simpson County Schools with the individual school in the memo.
Incoming Kindergarteners Will Need:
- Immunization Form
- Physical
- Eye Exam with Optometrist
- Dental Form
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of Social Security Card
Incoming 6th Graders Will Need:
- 6th grade School Physical
- Updated Immunization Certificate
If you are unable to attend district-wide registration please contact your individual school to make an appointment to complete your registration.